Sunday 12 August 2012

Showcase - Dark Eldar Talos

My pride and joy, my Dark Eldar Talos. When GW released this kit, I just simply had to have one. The design of this kit is amazing - from the insectoid like armour plating and tail, to the protrusion of syringes, chains and hooks, it really is an instrument of pain.

There are a few nice additions I've made. A slaughtered Biel Tan guardian lies on his base and I've included a neat way of measuring pain tokens on the rear of his base.

A few more pics after the jump - feel free to let me know what you think in the comments.

I had initially planned to put it together as a Cronos - I hadn't found space in my army for a Talos, but once I got my hands on the kit, my mind changed. The Cronos version doesn't really speak to me - its just too similar to the Talos for my liking. So now I go out of my way to find space in my lists for a Talos, which is become harder and harder in 6th edition. With the unnecessary nerf to webways and the need to squeeze in a Razorwing to combat other fliers, I've yet to find a spot for him.

This above photo gives you a good look at some of the small embellishments I've made. You'll see the spike that I use to track pain tokens. Each of the heads is removable, so each time he nabs a token, I can slide on a new token. Believe me, this is a tonne of fun - be sure to rub it into your opponent with a little gloating and smack talk for extra effect. 

Despite not getting much playtime, this guy is the centre piece of my army (so far). I'm so thrilled with the final result. He even won me a painting comp at my local GW store - scoring 19 out of 20 from the staff judges, who apparently used Golden Demon judging criteria. I don't think he's quite that good, but I'm still quite proud of him. 

1 comment:

  1. I really love the basing, on all of your mini's. I really think it does finish the model off and you do a great job of it! Even if you do have a mutilated Eldar there...
