Monday 6 August 2012

Showcase - Dark Eldar Kabalites and Wyches

I thought I'd throw up a few images of some of my painted Dark Eldar. These two squads were the first that I picked up, well over a year ago, when I decided to cash in my life in exchange for the eternal pursuit of having a fully painted army. Some of these are a little rough, but I suppose that's to be expected after being away from the game for well over 15 years.

This is a small selection of my first squad of Kabalite warriors. Whilst I'm fairly happy with them, there was lots of experimentation going on here. All their weapons are slightly different, eye colours are different, and different techniques used. I've refined my methods of painting Kabalites quite a bit since these guys, but they're not a bad start.

Next up, my prized Wyches. I love these models so much, I was determined to do them justice. I went through 2 or 3 test models, before I found a theme that I would like. I had also planned on making my assault troops the inverse of my colour scheme - mostly red, with blue spot colours (as opposed to my main colour palette - blues with red spot colours) but I didn't think it was going to work and didn't have the cojones to risk ruining a model by giving it a go. After a bunch of other test models, that all turned out terribly, I threw caution to the wind and had a crack. The end result, at least to me, is a perfect. Its exactly what I wanted, and I was stoked when I finally overcame that hurdle. Anyway, thats it for now. More to come soon!

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