Sunday 12 August 2012

Showcase - Dark Eldar Talos

My pride and joy, my Dark Eldar Talos. When GW released this kit, I just simply had to have one. The design of this kit is amazing - from the insectoid like armour plating and tail, to the protrusion of syringes, chains and hooks, it really is an instrument of pain.

There are a few nice additions I've made. A slaughtered Biel Tan guardian lies on his base and I've included a neat way of measuring pain tokens on the rear of his base.

A few more pics after the jump - feel free to let me know what you think in the comments.

Monday 6 August 2012

Showcase - Dark Eldar Kabalites and Wyches

I thought I'd throw up a few images of some of my painted Dark Eldar. These two squads were the first that I picked up, well over a year ago, when I decided to cash in my life in exchange for the eternal pursuit of having a fully painted army. Some of these are a little rough, but I suppose that's to be expected after being away from the game for well over 15 years.